Believe in Your Potential


We aim at supporting foreign students and employees in playing an active role in future business circles, spreading their wings in the world through jobs together.

The labor market surrounding Japanese economy has been rapidly changing during latest decade. The number of foreign workers in Japan has reached 1.46 million at the end of October 2018, within 216,000 companies*1. On the other hand, Japanese population will decrease by 100 million in 2053 to 8808 million by 2065, and working-age population is expected to be about half that of 2010*2. As of now, many industries are looking to find human resources filled with diversity in nationality, language, background, and culture. However when considering the 299,000*3 foreigner students studying at higher educational institutions only approximately 30% actually find employment in Japan.

We aim at supporting you in matching your individual strengths with possibilities in the business world; enabling you to play an active role in the changing society of Japan. We provide various supports such as training courses, lectures and career counseling. We believe in your further possibilities, and what is more, and wish to contribute to society through our business. This is the main philosophy of "WeFLY".

*1 厚生労働省「外国人雇用状況」の届け出まとめ(2019年1月)より
*2 内閣府「平成30年度版高齢社会白書(全体版)」(2018年6月)より
*3 文部科学省「外国人留学生在籍状況」及び「日本人の海外留学者数」等について(2019年1月)より

Founder’s Profile

Founder / Career Development Advisor / MBA Graduate


Kanna’s passion is HR consulting for companies, and coaching career design -focusing on foreign students and employees in Japan.
Before starting her current business, Kanna has experienced in Japanese Media industry, public relations and TV program marketing in the Satellite Broadcasting sector, advertising sales, editing, and organizing events in the Newspaper sector.


Company Profile




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